Whey Protein Vs Casein Vs Soy: What Protein Is Best?

best protein shakes guide

Some people hear the hype about whey protein and think it’s the only protein source worth taking. While it does have hype behind it for good reasons, other protein sources have their places for bodybuilders and general health nuts as well, so we’ll take a look at which protein you should take at what times and why.

Let’s keep this short and sweet, and dig in to the uses of Whey Protein vs Casein and Soy (although egg white protein is a fourth source, most people get enough of it through eating eggs, and won’t most likely be looking to further supplement their diets with it). This is in no way intended to be an exhaustive list of stats, but more of a general guideline for people wondering which protein(s) they should take.


  • Best protein source for feeding the muscles when they are in urgent need of protein. Whey is the fastest digesting protein source.
  • Best protein source for taking before working out since it breaks down quickly and also enhances blood vessel dilation for faster availability of aminos, which leads to faster muscle building.
  • Best protein source for taking after working out due to its insulin boosting powers, which will result in faster protein synthesis for muscle growth than casein and soy.

  • Worst protein source for taking before bed, but it’s better than nothing if it is all you have.


  • Best protein source for stopping muscle breakdown. It is a slower digesting protein than whey and soy are, so it feeds the body for longer.
  • Is the best source for taking before bed since sleeping is basically fasting for 8 hours, and you want to spare as much muscle as possible.
  • Casein can be hard to swallow since it doesn’t break down quickly, so be prepared to suck it up and drink the chunks. There will be chunks.


  • Best protein source for overall health benefits. It has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as protect against multiple types of cancers. Doesn’t work best for muscle gain or retention though if that’s your goal.

Again, this is not exhaustive, but it should provide a general idea of the benefits of each protein source. If you are beginners to building muscle mass and on a tight budget and can only pick one, whey provides the most benefits as far as building muscle goes. If you have a larger budget, casein and soy proteins have benefits as well that whey doesn’t provide.

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